1800 063 060
ACON Website – https://www.acon.org.au/who-we-are-here-for/regional-nsw/ – here you’ll find everything you would need from us. This specific link is to our regional page where you’ll see our interactive map and downloadable and printable location guides.
Ending HIV – https://endinghiv.org.au/ – is ACON’s main Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Sexual Health information page.
TransHub – https://www.transhub.org.au/ – is ACON’s dedicated Trans and Gender Diverse page for community members and service providers. Lots of resources on here you can print off.
ACON Counselling – https://www.acon.org.au/what-we-are-here-for/mental-health/ – ACON’s counselling team specialise in HIV counselling, substance support, suicide prevention and aftercare and general LGBTQ+ counselling if any of your clients are wanting some extra support.
HERE – https://here.org.au/ – ACON’s digital suicide prevention hub, connecting the LGBTQ+ community, their loved ones, and service providers to care, support, and resources.
Pride Training – https://www.pridetraining.org.au/ – is ACON’s site for all training needs if the team are wanting some more in depth training opportunities.
Welcome Here – https://www.welcomehere.org.au/ – is ACON’s project to encourage businesses, organisations and service providers to show they are inclusive to our communities.
Pride Inclusion Programs – https://www.prideinclusionprograms.com.au/ – is a project at ACON which strives to increase inclusivity within workplaces and policies for people who work in and have access to these services. There are currently three programs: Pride in Diversity is for general businesses and organisations, Pride in Sport is for sporting organisations and Pride in Health and Wellbeing is for all health related organisations.
Queer Ability – https://www.acon.org.au/who-we-are-here-for/people-with-disability/ – is ACON’s project which provides information to LGBTQ+ communities about accessing the NDIS.
Pivot Point – https://pivotpoint.org.au/ – is ACON’s Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) webpage for community members.
Say It Out Load – https://sayitoutloud.org.au/ – is ACON’s Domestic Family Violence (DFV) and sexual assault webpage.
Rainbow Cultures – https://www.rainbowcultures.org.au/ – Is a collaboration website which is an online directory of LGBTQIA+ multicultural community groups and services in NSW.
LOVE Project – https://www.loveproject.org.au/ – LOVE Project - Living Older Visibly and Engaged is ACON’s site for older community members. Often there are online catch-ups which happen regularly.
Other Organisations
Twenty10 – 02 8594 9555 https://www.twenty10.org.au/ – are a Sydney based service working across New South Wales, providing a broad range of specialised services for young people 12-25 including housing, mental health, counselling and social support. For adults they provide social support and for people of all ages they offer telephone support and webchat as the NSW provider for the national QLife project.
QLife – 1800 184 527 https://qlife.org.au/ – QLife provides Australia-wide anonymous, LGBTI peer support and referral for people wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships. QLife services are free and include both telephone and webchat support, delivered by trained LGBTI community members across the country. Services are for LGBTI individuals, their friends and families, and health professionals in Australia. The phone and webchat service operates from 3pm to midnight 365 days a year.
Black Rainbow – https://blackrainbow.org.au/ – Black Rainbow is a national volunteer Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBQTIA+SB social enterprise in the pursuit of positive health and wellbeing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Asexual, Sistergirl and Brotherboys (LGBQTIA+SB).
Blaq Aboriginal Corporation – https://www.blaq.org.au/ – BlaQ Aboriginal Corporation is committed to empowering the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTQ+ community through innovation, inclusion, understanding and advocacy.
Trans Pride Australia (TPA) – https://transprideaustralia.org.au/ – Trans Pride Australia Inc is a not-for-profit organisation that provides social support for trans and gender diverse people and their loved ones in Australia. They have different support groups on Facebook as well.
The Gender Centre – 02 9569 2366 | 1800 069 115 https://gendercentre.org.au/ – The Gender Centre is committed to developing and providing services and activities, which enhance the ability of transgender, gender diverse and gender exploring people make informed choices.
A Gender Agenda – https://genderrights.org.au/ – A Gender Agenda aims to support the goals and needs of the intersex, transgender and gender diverse communities of Canberra and the surrounding region. Through education, advocacy, peer support and professional networks we connect people to each other and build off the wisdom of collective experiences.
SWOP – https://swop.org.au/ – Sex Workers Outreach Project (SWOP) is Australia’s largest and longest established community-based peer education sex worker organisation with a mission to provide New South Wales sex workers with the same access to health, safety, human rights, and workplace protections as all other Australian workers.
AFAO – https://www.afao.org.au/ – As the peak national organisation for Australia’s community HIV response, AFAO (the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations) is recognised both globally and nationally for the leadership, policy expertise, health promotion, coordination and support we provide. Through advocacy, policy and health promotion, we champion awareness, understanding and proactivity around HIV prevention, education, support and research. AFAO provides a voice for communities affected by HIV and leads the national conversation on HIV.
Positive Life NSW – 02 9206 2177 | 1800 245 677 https://www.positivelife.org.au/ – Positive Life NSW is the largest peer-led and run representative body of all people living with HIV in Australia based in NSW, and the voice of all people living with HIV in NSW. They empower all people living with HIV in NSW with information, referral and advice on all relevant issues with the aim of ensuring the optimum well-being, care and support for the Body Positive including our friends, family and carers across NSW.
Bobby Goldsmith Foundation – 02 9283 8666 | 1800 651 010 https://www.bgf.org.au/ – Founded in 1984, when a group of friends got together to give their dying mate Bobby Goldsmith the care he needed in the comfort of his home, BGF has gone on to provide that same individualised care to thousands of Australians.
Hepatitis NSW – https://www.hep.org.au/ – Hepatitis NSW are a not-for-profit charity started by the hepatitis community. They provide information, support, referral and advocacy for people affected by viral hepatitis in NSW. They also provide workforce development and education services both to prevent the transmission of viral hepatitis and to improve services for those affected by it.
NUUA – https://nuaa.org.au/ – The NSW Users and AIDS Association (NUAA) is a peer-based drug user organisation. NUAA strives to improve our advocacy for, and services supporting, the diversity of people impacted by stigma and discrimination caused by the criminalisation of drug use across NSW through working with a broad range of stakeholders and partners to support system change.
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia – https://www.lgbtiqhealth.org.au/ – LGBTIQ+ Health Australia is the national peak health organisation in Australia for organisations and individuals that provide health-related programs, services and research focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/transgender, intersex, queer and other sexuality, gender, and bodily diverse people.
Flourish Australia - www.flourishaustralia.org.au -Where mental wellbeing thrives. For over 60 Years Flourish Australia has supported, assisted and encouraged people’s mental health recovery and wellbeing. Over this time many thousands of people’s lives have changed for the better.
Intereach Hay - (02) 6997 2500 www.intereach.com.au - Provide support to communities and improve the social and personal wellbeing of children, families, older people, carers and people with disabilities.
CASE - http://casehay.weebly.com/ - A group of community-minded individuals from the country New South Wales town of Hay are striving to create mental health awareness. Their aim is to reduce the number of suicide deaths in the local area.
Headspace - https://headspace.org.au/ - With a focus on early intervention, we work with young people to provide support at a crucial time in their lives – to help get them back on track and strengthen their ability to manage their mental health in the future.
Minus18 (National) - https://www.minus18.org.au/ - Youth led social & support organisation for LGBTQIA+ youth.
NSW Sexual Health Info Link - 1800 451 624 www.shil.nsw.gov.au - Phone and online sexual health service for sexual health, specialising in HIV and STI risk assessment, testing, treatment and support.
Inner City Legal Centre (NSW) - 1800 244 481 www.iclc.org.au -Expert specialist legal advice for LGBTI people anywhere in NSW.
Lifeline (National) - 13 11 44 - 24 hour crisis support hotline.
The Institute of Many - TIM (National) - https://theinstituteofmany.org/ -Grassroots movement of people living with HIV (PLHIV) who run Australia’s largest online community for PLHIV.
Intersex Human Rights Australia (IHRA) - www.ihra.org.au -Information, education & peer support for intersex people, their families & friends.
Have a service that we havn't listed here please reach out to us at rainbow@theplains.net